Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm getting old...

Well, yesterday I turned 29...yes, only one year left until 30. Birthdays have never really bothered me before, and I am doing my best to not let this one bother me either. However, when I graduated high school I set some goals for myself, and some of the biggest were goals I wanted to have complete by the time I was 30. This is either going to be a VERY busy year, or I'm just going to have to re-evaluate my goal timeline. My biggest goal was to become efficient (if not proficient) at 5 instruments by the time I am 30. I've got the guitar, bass, trumpet, and african hand drums (congas, bongos, djembe, etc.). That would be 4, but I only count the bass and guitar as 1/2 to 3/4 each since they go so well together. So, this year I would really like to focus on piano more than anything. If I can get a decent handle on that with some time left, I will focus some time on the violin also. Piano is my top priority, though, for sure. I would love to learn to play a regular trap set drums, but getting both hands and both feet going at the same time it super tricky for me.
let's see, what else has been going on?? Well, the new year is going pretty well still. I have taken up drinking a glass of V-8 every morning. That has got to be the biggest glass I have ever seen...V-8 tastes horrible, but it's just so stinkin' good for you.
I had a thought that I wanted to share. At church we are going through a sermon series on the life of Paul. WOW, what a dynamic transformation of a man. God really turned his life upside down. At any rate, before the church became 'the church' it was known as 'the Way'. Something I REALLy liked when I stopped to think about that, was that 'the Way' symbolizes a journey for me, whereas 'the church' symbolizes a place. I know that the church is not a place, but the people, but in my mind's eye, I see a place. As the church we need to be on our way - as in a journey. We haven't arrived, and we will certainly kno when we have...we won't be in our earthly bodies anymore for starters. Not to mention, we'll be at a feast that makes any Thanksgiving look trivial. So, lets not sit back, or settle down. Let us always be moving forward, taking ground that isn't ours right now, but is ours through Christ. A few years ago the prayer of Jabez was a trendy thing in the church - especially with the publication of a book about it. It has come and gone now, like so many other fads, but one thing that should not pass away is us praying that God expands our boundries of influence.
I've got more about Paul to share, but I'll save that so I have something to post next time.

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