Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week winding down...

Well, this week has been crazy for me. It was finals week at school, so I had that stuff going on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday night I went and worked at the church for a little bit siding the sound booth. We are getting SO close to being in there, I can wait. We are looking at probably two weeks in the fireside room before we can legally occupy the new sanctuary - and after that, the sky is the limit. There are 6 final inspections called in for today, so things are really getting close. So, let's see. Last night Crystal had a class that she has to have for her new job at the daycare. Levi and I had a great time going over to Papa and Nana's house to visit with them. He is such a great little boy - most of the time. I wish I could spend all my time with him, but, alas, somebody has to bring home the bacon.
Also, this week God has really moved on me again about planting a church. There have been som setbacks that clouded my desire to plant, and even got to a point of wondering if that truly is what God has for me. Well, after this week, I really feel like it is. I have several things to learn before that time rolls around, but I am hoping by the summer of 2009 I will be fully ready to move out on my own. Well, not so much on my own, but with God. I have this idea in my head of what I want it to look like when I do plant, and how I want to go about it, but reality is that my idea of it is pretty fantastic, so I'm sure it won't turn out exactly the way I see it in my head. I think the thing that makes me most nervous about planting a church is the weekly sermons. I like people, I am ready for the leap into the people side of it (or as ready as I'll ever be), but coming up with a sermon every week really intimidates me. Maybe in the next year or so I can teach a class or preach more often. All that will have to be worked out with my dad. I know he wants to see me fulfill my calling, but sometimes I wonder if he is willing to see me, Crystal, Levi, and our next one leave town, and live away a little bit. I would love to have some experience on staff at a church before stepping out on my own, but the fact is that there are only a couple churches in the PNW that are big enough to hire someone - and I don't want to work for the pastors at those churches. Maybe Father's House will grow quickly once we get into the building, and I could spend a year or so preparing that way...but that is another post. Well, I think that wraps it up for now...C-ya

1 comment:

Peter Zefo said...

Hey Clint, good to see you blogging. May I challenge you a bit on the "title" of your blog?

A Wesleyan-Pentecostal understanding of life in the Spirit does not allow room for the Lutheran "simultaneous saint/sinner" idea.

Thus, if you are a Christ-follower and if the Spirit of God is living in you then you are NOT a sinner saved by grace. You are a saint being continually saved by grace.

I think that we get this "sinner/saint" thing from Romans 7. But, we are not meant to live in Romans 7, but Romans 8 where there is "no longer condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Sorry for preaching...peace, brother!